Redseer’s Rising Stars: The Journeys of Budding Consultants

Published: Jun 11, 2024

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Welcome to the vibrant world of RedSeer Strategy Consultancy, where "hustle" isn't just a mantra—it's a way of life. From dynamic brainstorming sessions to the adrenaline-fueled strategy meeting, every day here is unique!

Redseer employees are not mere cogs in a machine; we like to call them the torchbearers of change and the architects of tomorrow's strategies. They embody a spirit of challenge, constantly pushing their boundaries and infusing fresh perspectives into their projects. 

We decided to have a quick chat with two of our interns—Aditti Mahajan and Tanishka Maheshwari—who joined us last month. Here are a few excerpts:  


What does a day look at Redseer? What kind of projects have you been working on, and what are your roles in them?

Aditti: Stepping into our workspace invigorates you right away. We are located in one of Bangalore's most prestigious neighborhoods, overlooking Cubbon Park. Our office offers a unique blend of professionalism and tranquillity.  

So far, I've been involved in various projects where I've had the opportunity to dive deep into secondary and primary research. My responsibilities include conducting extensive research, to gather essential data and insights for the project. 

Tanishka: Yeah! The place definitely has a dynamic vibe. A typical day for me depends on my project's stage and deliverables. Currently, I'm knee-deep in a report on the logistics industry, focusing on refining the finer details, designing, and formatting. But in the initial phases, it's all about laying the groundwork—structuring, research, content curation, and framing the narrative in a cohesive story format. 


How has Redseer contributed to your growth?

Aditti: Redseer has been instrumental in shaping my journey by providing an environment that fosters continuous learning and development. The company's culture encourages open communication and collaboration, mirroring the peer-to-peer learning environment I thrived in during my MBA years. This has honed my ability to ask questions and actively engage in discussions, which are vital skills for understanding and meeting project requirements. Moreover, Redseer's emphasis on professionalism and presentation excellence, showcased through corporate competitions and ongoing training, has further refined my skills and prepared me to excel in the professional world. Overall, Redseer's commitment to nurturing talent has significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth.  

Tanishka: We are dealing with the real-world intricacies of project management and client interactions. Redseer's fast-paced culture has been instrumental in refining my ability to thrive under pressure, a skill I first cultivated during my MBA program's demanding deadlines and submissions. My experiences at Redseer have been shaped by the dynamic environment and the invaluable lessons learned along the way. Working alongside talented colleagues from diverse backgrounds has not only broadened my perspective but has also reinforced the importance of leveraging collective expertise to deliver impactful solutions.  


How do you see the role diversity plays at Redseer? 

Aditti: I've had the opportunity to work with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, including commerce, engineering, and civil services. This inclusive environment helps enrich our project outcomes by offering insights from different industries and perspectives. It’s amazing to see the variations that a diverse culture brings. 

Tanishka: It's not just professional diversity; we have colleagues from different regions and educational institutions, too. Discussions here become a potpourri of ideas. It's fascinating to witness the array of viewpoints, each offering a unique story and insight to our projects. At times, we encounter perspectives that we wouldn't have considered within our own space. 


What advice do you have for other budding consultants?

Aditti: My advice to anyone considering a career in consulting is to do your research thoroughly. You cannot just jump into this industry. Check out the industries you’re interested in, the type of projects you want to work on, and whether you prefer being a generalist or a specialist. When beginning your career in this industry, focus on developing strong presentation skills, both in writing and in PowerPoint, along with effective communication and articulation.

Tanishka: Choosing a consulting firm is not just about getting a job; it's about connecting with the organization’s values and long-term commitment. Do your research well and talk to as many people as possible, understanding their backgrounds and the kind of work they do.  


Do you have any tips for people seeking to join Redseer? 

Aditti: Be a multitasker; someone who is brimming with energy. We're here to help you develop skills if your will is in place. I would also say that the idea that stresses you out the most, the one that puts you on the spot and may be difficult for you to communicate to your team—is often the idea that takes flight. 

I would recommend Redseer to consultants for its inclusive approach. I began my journey here, but Redseer is truly a place to learn and grow. I believe other consulting firms could adopt similar inclusive approaches. 

Tanishka: Seize the opportunities at hand, embrace the hustle, and stay agile. Consulting, particularly at Redseer, demands unwavering commitment and the readiness to step up at any moment. Be disruptive, embrace challenges, and keep moving forward. The organization values out-of-the-box ideas from everyone. Taking initiative and being proactive are pivotal to thriving in this dynamic environment. 


Any parting thoughts or shoutouts for Redseer?

Aditti: My time at Redseer has been incredibly rewarding. It has been a steep learning curve, and the team environment has been supportive. Thank you for the wild ride, the brainstorming sessions, and the endless opportunities to spread my consulting wings.  

Tanishka: We're fortunate to have an amazing team at Redseer who exude chill vibes and empower us. There's minimal hierarchy, allowing for open communication and collaboration. Forget stuffy cubicles—we thrive in open spaces and open minds, with endless opportunities to explore and innovate. Sometimes, we even find ourselves working just beside the CEO, a testament to our inclusive culture. The freedom to take ownership of projects has been a game-changer, making every day a rewarding adventure here.  


Check out our website to read more about the “hustle” Redseer has.
