
KPMG is a multinational professional services network and one of the Big Four accounting firms. Organized as a network of firms that each bring services to clients, KPMG spans strategy and operations, analytics, business integration, business intelligence, business process management, change management, growth enablement, integrated business planning, organizational design, outsourcing, shared services, talent management, technology enablement, and transformation. On the ...
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Vault Verdict
While it is known more for its accounting and auditing work than its consulting, KPMG is an attractive proposition for many would-be consultants. The reason: its name has global cachet, and represents stability both for clients and employees. While the salary and variety of work may not be on par with the top firms in the consulting world, life at KPMG is much more likely to involve reasonable hours and the opportunity to have a more fulfilling life away from the office.
About the Company
Network Kings
Professional services giant KPMG International operates as an international network of independent member firms, known as a Swiss cooperative. While the member firms that make up KPMG International might be independent of one another, their businesses are similarly organized around three service lines: audit, tax and advisory. And, within those service lines, the offerings from country to country are likely to be pretty consistent, too.
Efforts to maintain that consistency are more difficult to achieve across national borders—and the more national practices involved, the harder it is to achieve genuine consistency. Keeping that in mind, the firm has operated a European group of practices—with voluntary sign-up to a set of standards—for several years. Accordingly, wh...