
Axinn was founded in 1997 by three lawyers from Skadden, including Steve Axinn, the founder and chairman of Skadden's antitrust department. The firm is well known for its antitrust prowess, making it a go-to firm for clients seeking help with combinations, antitrust litigation, and criminal investigations relating to antitrust. The firm also offers counseling to help clients with compliance and strategic goal planning. Lawyers seeking robust training will not be disappointed at this midsize shop. ...
Firm Stats
Total No. Attorneys (2021)
Featured Rankings
Base Salary
No. of U.S. Offices
No. of International Offices
Major Office Locations
About the Firm
One of the top antitrust firms in the country, Axinn keeps it simple, working across three main practice areas: antitrust, intellectual property and litigation. The firm has three offices on the East Coast and one out west.
From Big to Small
Axinn was founded in 1997 by three lawyers from Skadden, including Steve Axinn, the founder and chairman of Skadden's antitrust department. They quickly attracted a select group of lawyers from other preeminent firms—all experienced and successful in achieving their clients' strategic objectives in a trial setting, government regulatory setting, or a negotiated or mediated setting. Notwithstanding its boutique size, Axinn is called upon to handle its clients' largest and most strategically important matters.