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Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP

2200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20037-1701
(202) 955-1500



Though Hunton Andrews Kurth did not take on its current form until 2018, after a major merger, the foundation of the firm was laid well before—in 1901, to be exact. From this single office in Richmond, Virginia, the firm has blossomed into a legal giant with 18 offices and over 950 attorneys. It is known for its strength in the energy, financial services, real estate, and retail and consumer products industries.

Firm Stats


Total No. Attorneys (2023)

750 - 1K


No. of Partners Named (2023)



Featured Rankings

Vault Law 100


No. of 1st Year Associates Hired (2023)



No. of Summer Associates (2024)

36 total (25 2Ls; 11 1Ls)


Base Salary

1st year: $225,000

Vault Verdict

For energy law, pro bono opportunities, and positive associate/partner relations, associates should look no further than Hunton Andrews Kurth. The usual criteria—good grades from top schools, work experience, journal experience, and clerkships—impact recruiting, as does the right fit for the firm’s friendly, respectful environment. Lawyers and staff get along well and enjoy social time together. Partners care about associates and provide meaningful experiences and feedback. Official training occurs early but then wanes; however, associates can approach more-senior attorneys for guidance and hands-on tutelage. Associates enjoy material assignments and client contact, but many also feel saddled with mundane administrative tasks. Further, they need to be proactive in seeking work, th...

About the Firm

The result of 2018’s largest merger, Hunton Andrews Kurth pairs two firms—each with over a century of history—that had been growing by leaps and bounds in the past few years. Mid-Atlantic-based Hunton & Williams brought with it leading global practices in privacy and cybersecurity, energy, financial services, and real estate. Houston’s Andrews Kurth Kenyon had recently grown from a Lonestar State stalwart to an international firm renowned for its energy, environmental, IP, and privacy practices.

A Tale of Two Firms

Though founded more than 1,000 miles away, Hunton & Williams and Andrews Kurth Kenyon were in many ways mirror images of one another. Eppa Hunton, Randolph Williams, and two others founded their firm in Richmond, VA, in 1901 and quickly attracted banks, railr...

Associate Reviews

  • “The culture is great. Everyone is treated with kindness and respect, and team members are friends inside and outside of the office. The day-to-day atmosphere is very collegial, and the staff is treated with respect as well. My closest friends are also associates at HAK.”
  • “Lawyers socialize together at both firm-sponsored and after-hours events. At firm-sponsored events more regularly. People are kind and collegial. Lawyers and staff interact well, and everyone treats each other respectfully.”
  • “The reason that I ultimately chose Hunton instead of a bigger firm was the culture—we are truly collegial, we like working, we work hard, and we have fun. I hate to be cliche, but I think Hunton really does have the BigLaw work but midsize firm culture. I don't feel like a cog or a number.”

Why Work Here

Hunton Andrews Kurth is a preeminent international law firm formed when Hunton & Williams LLP and Andrews Kurth Kenyon LLP combined in April 2018. Our more than 900 lawyers serve clients from 18 offices across the United States, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. We work as “one firm” across all of our offices and offer exceptional work opportunities on a broad array of sophisticated legal matters. Our commitment to diversity is strong, and we recruit a variety of lawyers and staff from many cultures and backgrounds, appreciating the differences they bring to the firm. We are also committed to helping all of our lawyers achieve their potential while supporting each in integrating their work and personal lives.

Diversity at Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP

"At Hunton Andrews Kurth, we believe a diverse and inclusive workforce allows us to better serve clients and creates a more productive work environment for our lawyers and professional staff. We enthusiastically support a policy of equal employment opportunity that exceeds legal mandates and covers all aspects of the employment process from recruiting and hiring to training and promotion. We also have strong anti-harassment and reporting policies in place to help ensure a collegial and professional working atmosphere. Our firm's..."

Getting Hired Here

  • “Grades are very important. The next most important qualities after grades are probably soft skills. Our firm puts a big emphasis on hiring people of a congenial disposition and who will be people we'd want to spend time around. ...”
  • “Not a complicated formula: good grades from [the] best schools and great grades from top 50 schools. Clerkships [are] valued everywhere but mostly in litigation. Finding someone who wants to work hard, live in our town, and be friendly and personable enough to want to chat over lunch is a big plus.”
  • “The firm considers grades, journal experience, diversity, prior work experience, etc., but also highly considers personality and how well of a fit that person would be with the firm. The firm does have a training manual for those who interview candidates and guidelines to follow.”
  • “I believe the firm looks mostly at personality once you make it past the resume phase. In other words, once your grades and experience get you an interview, personality and how the interviewer feels you will mesh with the team become the most important aspects.”

Perks & Benefits

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